Before you start
We would recommend that you check the manual before consulting our digital FAQ (since part of this FAQ is from the FAQ in the manual). If you have lost your manual, a digital copy can be downloaded here (it is free).
If you still can’t find a solution to your problem, we recommend that you read through our digital FAQ. If that still does not provide a solution, please feel free to contact us via our contact site.
FAQ – Maintenance:
-The scooter is equipped with a lead-acid battery which does not have to be fully charged and discharged (no memory effect). It will last for a particularly long time if it is kept charged. So whenever possible leave the scooter connected to the mains, even if the battery is charged up. It is not possible to overcharge it because the charger automatically switches back.
– Despite regular charging, batteries are expendable components and performance will decrease over time. If performance is no longer acceptable, you can order a new battery from local dealer or distributor. In case you need more power than the 36V standard battery provides, you can up-grade your golfscooter by ordering the 36V Li.Ion 20Ah. battery and charger.
– The battery can be damaged by a deep discharge, low temperatures, long idle periods or severe impacts.
– If the scooter is not used for a long time, the battery should be charged up before it is stored away and recharged every 3 months.
– Only ever use the charger which is supplied with the scooter!
The frame
– Wipe the frame with a damp cloth, avoid spraying the scooter down with a hose pipe.
The foot board
– The best way to clean the foot board is to use a little water and a rinsing brush. After you have finished cleaning, dab the foot board dry with a dark cloth.
The Chain
– From time to time, you should oil the chain with bike oil or a suitable lubricant. The scooter will then be quieter and run more easily.
For more extensive maintenance instructions, please consult the manual.
FAQ – Repairs:
DIY repairs
You are allowed to change any wear parts on your own without voiding your warranty. Please note: wears parts, are defined as the parts sold on our webshop. If you attempt to repair any part of the scooter that is not a wear part, or try to replace a wear part with a non-original part, your warranty will be voided.
Repair shops
Should you ever need to have your Monobuggy repaired for any reason. Then we recommend that you do it at a authorized repair shop. Please contact us via our contact site for more details.
If you need any help with regards to your warranty, please contact us via our contact site. Please provide your order number, or serial number with the inquiry.